ABOUT Fress Bite
Hello!, friends we are here to guide the way toward disease-free life or we can say that Eating Healthy.
We all know that in today’s busy schedule, we are not able to maintain our health and intake of proper nutrients, most of us do not have knowledge about nutrients or a balanced diet. that’s why we try to guide you about some healthy habits and diets in a simple way.
Fress Bite covers all living habits and nutritional diet which is beneficial for our physical and mental health. we give information about many healthy food recipes which can be made easily and simply, also these recipes help to keep us healthy in our busy schedule. Following our tips keeps your body free from many diseases such as heart problems, diabetes, cancer, skin diseases, and much more health problem. A Healthy Lifestyle includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, proper sleep, enough drinking water, being happy, and positive thinking.

About Me
Hi! I'm Vandana
Welcome to Fress Bite! I’m Vandana, and I’m thrilled to have you join me on this journey toward a healthier and more vibrant life.

Frequently Asked
Yes!! you can have fruits in the morning, and an empty stomach is the best time to eat fruits.
Fruits are a good food to eat as breakfast and are also beneficial for weight loss. It contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, and fiber also it is very low in calories. They are very rich in water which keeps us hydrated the whole day so that we don’t feel need water. It also saves us from overeating and keeps us active physically and mentally. Eating fruits daily makes our life diseases free. we should have fresh and seasonal fruits for better results. Fruits are easily digestible and contain natural water which keeps us hydrated all day and protects us from many health problems.
The best fruits to eat in the morning are apples, bananas, coconut water, pineapple, and many more seasonal fruits. But there are some right ways to eat fruits that we must follow to consume the full benefits of fruits.
According to me, it is better to eat at home than to eat outside.If we want to live healthy and diseases free life, then we should make our meals daily at home because people who cook more often, rather than get take-out, have an overall healthier diet. The studies also show that restaurant meals typically contain higher amounts of sodium, saturated fat, total fat, and overall calories than home-cooked meals.
When people cook most of their meals at home, they consume fewer carbohydrates, less sugar, and less fat than those who cook less or not at all.
we all know that roadside food and street food are cheap and very tasty and we can’t avoid them but they contain more oil, salt, and sugar than home-cooked food. It is also prepared in a very unhygienic way that may cause food poisonous and digestive problems. People who have many health problems like heart problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, and many others, should definitely avoid eating outside.
The first meal of the day should be fresh and full of nutrients. That’s why we should intake fresh and easily digestible food in the morning. There are some healthy and quick dishes.
1. Sprouts salad: sprouts are full of nutrients, and fiber and very low in calories that’s why they are an excellent food for breakfast.
2. Vegetable salad: they contain a lot of nutrition and fiber, as well as fewer calories, and are easily digestible and also keep us active all day.
3. Seasonal fruits: They are very rich in water which keeps us hydrated the whole day so that we don’t feel we need water.
4. Edli or Dosa: It is a healthy and tasty option for breakfast, for weight loss you can have jowar or ragi idli or dosa.
5. Poha: Poha is easily digestible and a wholesome meal that contains carbohydrates, iron, fiber, and essential vitamins. It keeps you full all day.
there is more food which is great for weight loss. We should take easily digestible food in a certain quantity for fast weight loss or a healthy body.
The first meal of the day should be fresh and full of nutrients. That’s why we should intake fresh and easily digestible food in the morning. There are some healthy and quick dishes.
1. Sprouts salad: sprouts are full of nutrients, and fiber and very low in calories that’s why they are an excellent food for breakfast.
2. Vegetable salad: they contain a lot of nutrition and fiber, as well as fewer calories, and are easily digestible and also keep us active all day.
3. Seasonal fruits: They are very rich in water which keeps us hydrated the whole day so that we don’t feel we need water.
4. Brown bread with peanut butter: peanut butter with whole-grain or whole-meal bread is perfect for a quick & nutrients dense breakfast.
for more healthy breakfasts option click here.
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